At King’s St Alban’s we have winter and summer uniforms that are a very important part of our identity as a school. They have been designed to ensure that children both feel smart and can comfortably participate fully in the wide range of activities involved in the school day.
School Uniform
The school uniform for all year groups is provided by leading uniform provider Schoolblazer . Sports Kit for the Prep school (Year 3 to Year 6) is provided by Tacklebag and for Pre-Prep (Reception to Year 2) sports kit will be provided by Schoolblazer. Schoolblazer are renowned for their quality of uniform, their online offering and high service levels. Tacklebag is one of the leading school suppliers of sports kit, with long-standing relationships with sporting quality brands.
Uniform Guide
Our full Uniform Guide can be found here:
Second-hand Uniform Shop
The second-hand uniform shop is run on a voluntary basis by King’s parents to help the school and other parents. The shop is located on the ground floor of 5 Castle Place.
The second-hand uniform shop will be open at the Senior School between 3pm-5pm on the following dates, for returns and second-hand purchases.