At King’s St Alban’s we understand that many of our parents lead busy lives and we recognise the need to provide an extended day and wrap-around care for the children. 

We therefore offer excellent, fee-inclusive, supervised, wrap-around care from 7.45am to 6.00pm.

Before School (7.45am to 8.40am)

All children arriving between 7.45am and 8.00am can be signed in at Pre-Prep, where a member of staff will greet them at the door.

From 8.00am, pupils from Years 3 to 6 will be accompanied by the Head to the Prep School where they can either wait in the Library until 8.15am or attend Breakfast Club.

From 8.15am to 8.40am, children from Years 3 to 6 can be dropped off on the playground, whilst Reception to Year 2 go straight to Pre-Prep. Prep School pupils who arrived earlier will join their classmates on the playground from 8.15am.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club takes place from 8.00am, when pupils can enjoy a cooked breakfast. Those wishing to use this service should meet in the School Office at 8.00am and will be accompanied to the Dining Hall by a member of staff. There is no need to book this and charges will appear on your termly bill.

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After-School Wrap-around Care

After-school clubs generally run from 4.00pm to 4.30/5.00pm, after which time children can be looked after in Late Room along with those children not taking part in a club.

Pre-Prep Wrap-around

Children are able to stay in Pre-Prep until 6.00pm if required. Parents can collect their children at any time from the end of the school day (3.20pm Reception, 3.30pm Year 1, 3.40pm Year 2). You will be greeted by a member of staff at the Pre-Prep door who will hand your child(ren) over to you. If Pre-Prep children are using Late Room, they can enjoy supervised time to read, relax, and play games.

What happens when the school day finishes?

Children have supervised playtime on the playground from 3.40pm to 4.00pm but can be picked up at any time from 3.40pm.  Children who are in school after 4.00pm, who are not involved in an after-school club activity, will be looked after in our Late Room, for which there is no charge. This is a quiet room where children may complete homework or read, supervised by a member of staff. They can then relax with a board game, Lego, or a film until they are collected.

Care during school holidays

King’s St Alban’s Holiday Club offers a multitude of activities for children in Reception to Year 8 to enjoy in the Christmas, Easter, and summer holidays.

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