The aim of the Learning Skills Department at King’s Worcester is to give all pupils the opportunity to reach their learning potential. Teachers in the department have a wealth of expertise and specialist knowledge, and offer a high level of academic as well as pastoral support to pupils.

The department works closely not only with pupils who have specific learning difficulties – including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADD/ADHD, and autistic spectrum conditions – but also with pupils from across the academic range, who wish to fine-tune their learning skills.  Emphasis is placed on building self-confidence and encouraging pupils to become independent learners with an intellectual curiosity so that they are able to cope with the demands of the mainstream curriculum; it also prepares them for life after they leave King’s.

Emphasis is placed on building self-confidence and encouraging pupils to become independent learners with an intellectual curiosity.

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Tailored Support

Support for pupils begins at classroom level so pupils with known needs are highlighted on the school’s Support Register; this is regularly updated and distributed to staff. Those with more specific needs may also have a Pupil Profile, which outlines their strengths and difficulties along with strategies for home and school; in addition, some pupils have a Provision Map with specific targets. Learning Skills lessons may be 1:1, in pairs or small groups, and on a short- or long-term basis. We also offer short courses such as study-skills, essay-planning and writing, examination techniques, and relaxation and stress management. In addition, pupils may be advised to attend one or more of the subject-specific drop-in clinics which operate in many of the academic departments. The Learning Skills staff are in close contact with teaching and pastoral staff, and parents, and the progress of pupils is reviewed regularly.

The Learning Skills Department has a suite of rooms situated above the Library. These rooms are well-resourced with computers, literature, games and activities.

Learning Skills support at King’s is inclusive within our termly fees. We have an open-door policy so that staff and pupils are able to drop in at any time.

One parent with a bright but underachieving boy who had disliked his previous school described the Learning Skills department as ‘amazing’. It had turned her son around completely – he now loves school and is doing very well. Perhaps more importantly, he no longer needs the additional support.

Good Schools Guide

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