Our curriculum offers a broad and balanced education for all pupils. With excellent teaching staff and outstanding facilities, each subject is delivered in a bold and innovative way to which our pupils really relate and respond.

Our aim within the Lower Years is to provide a broad curriculum that enables development in each of the key areas. As pupils progress through the school they have the opportunity to make choices and focus their studies on the subjects that are important to them.

The Lower Years Curriculum

We deliver a broad curriculum in the first three years at King’s Worcester, giving pupils a grounding in all of the key areas. The subjects studied are Mathematics, English, modern languages, separate sciences, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Computing, Drama, Dance, Latin, Music, Art, Religion and Philosophy, and PSHE (Personal, Social, and Health Education). The curriculum also includes PE and Games.

Year 9 Curriculum

In the Lower Remove (Year 9), pupils maintain a broad curriculum and have the first opportunity to make some choices to enable them to match what they study to their abilities and aspirations.

Compulsory subjects in Year 9

All pupils study English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, a modern foreign language (French, German, or Spanish), Geography, History and PSHE. The curriculum also includes PE and Games.

Subject choices in Year 9

Pupils choose a creative subject from:

Art, Drama, DT or Music.

They then also choose a further three subjects from:

Art, Computing, Music, Drama, Philosophy, Latin, Classics, DT, French, Spanish, German.  (further languages can only be chosen if they are already being studied)

The uniform at King's Senior (Full width Image)

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