King's St Alban's
15 May
Pupils just a little excited for residential trip!!
To say that the King’s St Alban’s Year Four pupils were a little bit excited before departing from school for their residential trip was most certainly an understatement. So, after a few games of “Heads Down, Thumbs Up” in the classroom to calm them down, which didn’t work, they set off in the glorious sunshine. During the drive, our driver and the teachers were treated to a wonderful rendition from the children of Eye of the Tiger!
On arrival at the Pioneer Centre, the children were told with whom they were sharing a room and then had to make their own beds. This finally did the trick of calming them down. More practice of this particular skill is definitely needed!
The activities for the rest of the day were slightly more exciting and included climbing, caving, archery, and, in the evening, a session on a huge bouncy castle. At the end of each session the children had “token time”, where they all received tokens for facing their own particular challenges with a positive, “give-it-a-go” attitude. These tokens could then be exchanged for small toys or chocolate. They also thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the Trading Post tuck-shop. Unsurprisingly, they managed to spend all of their money in a very short space of time.
Bed time was late but all slept well and awoke refreshed and raring to go the next morning, even the teachers! After a full English Breakfast, the children had a go on a huge zip-wire and finally tried out some abseiling.
What a fantastic time we had! Many of the staff at the centre commented on how lovely the children were, with their impeccable manners, kindness towards each other, and good behaviour. The teachers certainly enjoyed their company throughout the residential and it was so nice to see them have such a good time. And the weather was, just like the children, simply wonderful !