We have clear school aims focused around helping young people to reach their full potential at school in preparation for leading confident, fulfilled and unselfish lives as adults.

Through our five core values of ambition, resilience, humility, creativity and kindness we strive to achieve our vision that every member of our community will be curious, caring and confident, fulfilling our mission to seek excellence in all we do and provide an outstanding preparation for life.


There is no place for complacency here at King’s; we must be bold and innovative, building on the best of the past to reinforce and enhance our provision and our reputation as a leader in independent education. Every one of our pupils must have the ambition to realise their full potential and be the very best version of themselves.


Life is not defined by how high you fly, but instead by how well you bounce. In our ever-changing world, it is essential to be resilient, to have the courage and confidence to learn from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, aim high and stand up stronger each time life knocks us down.


Education is a life-long process, and we must always have the confidence to ask why, to acknowledge that we always have more to learn and to feed our curiosity with the many opportunities that life offers to us.


Learning should be so much more than being filled with an accepted body of knowledge; we have inventive, imaginative, enquiring minds and education must draw out the potential we all have to innovate and create.


As St Paul wrote, “the greatest of these is love”; more than anything else, we must be kind: kind to the environment, kind to others, kind to ourselves. It is only through such caring by us all that the future of our community, as Vigornians, in Worcester and on a global scale can be assured.

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