King's Worcester

2024/2025 Fee Statement

King’s Worcester Governing Body has confirmed that the King’s Worcester Foundation of Schools will not be changing their current fee levels for the 2024/25 academic year.

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King's Worcester

30 October

Worcester MP Robin Walker Answers Questions from King’s Pupils

On Friday 19th October, Robin Walker, Member of Parliament for Worcester and one of the Ministers in the Department for Exiting the European Union, visited King’s. Robin took questions over lunch, from pupils of all year groups, in the school theatre on his role as our local MP, the issues facing the city, and Brexit. After lunch Robin spent an hour with our Sixth Form Politics students in a detailed discussion of the issues raised by Brexit before, during and after the 2016 referendum.

This was a unique and invaluable opportunity for our pupils to learn more about the work of a Member of Parliament and to engage directly with him on issues of concern and the seminar helped cast new light on the UK government’s approach to the Brexit negotiations. We are very grateful to Robin for giving us his time.