King's St Alban's
24 November
Celebrating Success Autumn Term Week 10
Super Star Awards:
Well done to Charlie W (2F), Geoffrey W (1C), and Fearne (Rec), who were awarded certificates for Focus. This week’s Pre-Prep Superstars were Thomas H (2F), Mikael L (1C) and Penelope (Rec).
Year 3:
3A have been working on presenting their work beautifully. Amber J, Maddie E, Savannah P, Jeremiah L Elodie H, Daisy L and Rudy W all produced lovely posters about what makes them unique.
In art, 3A have created birch tree Autumn paintings: well done to Maddie E and Julietta; Mrs Cain was very impressed with your beautiful work.
Year 4 Sport:
Well done to Romi T, Thea H, Millie W, Martha N and Hannah R, who were all congratulated for their incredibly hard work on the sports pitches recently. The girls are making great progress and Mrs Clark is very proud of the hard work the girls are putting into their hockey and cross country.
Year 4 French:
This week Year Four have been learning about food and how to express their preferences in French. Alban R and Thea worked well and produced a market stall, labelled in French
Year 5 Maths:
This week Mr Chapman awarded three Bronze Times Tables Awards and three Silver Times Tables Awards.
Christmas Card Competition:
This year’s theme was “Snowglobe” and based around Worcester Cathedral. Art Club were congratulated on their entries. Many congratulations go to Tilly E for her winning entry, which will now be printed as the official School Christmas Cards for this year.
Children in Need Cake Sale:
Mr Chapman was pleased to report that yesterday’s cake sale raised £115.52. Thank you to Year Five for supplying all the yummy cakes!
Achievements Outside of School:
Well done to Thea, who has recently achieved a gymnastics award.