At King’s St Alban’s we are fortunate to be able to supplement our own, excellent facilities with those on the King’s Worcester campus, located just a few steps away. Specialist facilities include an Art Studio, IT suite, music room, and fully-equipped science laboratory.

Both our Nursery and Pre-Prep departments are situated within a bright and airy purpose-built department. Our Pre-Prep department houses a large, multi-purpose hall which offers an excellent performance space on site as well as our delightful Chapel. Our bright, welcoming Pre-Prep classrooms complement the Prep School and combine up-to-date facilities and technology.

The historic College Hall and the John Moore Theatre on the King’s Worcester site provide venues for larger scale performances.

Sports Facilities

Our sports facilities are second-to-none, with extensive playing fields, AstroTurf pitches, two sports halls and a 25-metre indoor swimming pool.

Outdoor Facilities

The outdoor spaces at King’s St Alban’s have various educational and recreational uses, with a delightful Forest School area, secure Pre-Prep garden, and playground edged with a traversing wall and adventure zone. Find out more about Outdoor Learning at King’s St Alban’s.

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