King’s St Alban’s holds an Entrance Day in February for all children looking to join in Years 3 to 6 in the following September.
Pre-Prep Entry (Ages 4 to 7)
Places in the Pre-Prep Department (Reception to Year 2) are offered subject to a morning spent in school. Once registered, we will make arrangements for your child to spend the morning with us.
Prep School Entry (Ages 7 to 11)
Places in the Prep School are offered subject to passing our entrance tests. There is no need for special preparation – the English and Maths papers will be familiar and are worked through orally with the younger children. There is time to practise some verbal reasoning questions and the children soon get the hang of them. All tests are age-standardised. The day includes a break with a drink and a snack in the morning and a cooked meal at lunchtime. The experience is organised so that the children leave feeling that they have had a successful day.
During our Entrance Day, our teaching staff are on hand and will work with the children in small groups; it is not a question of pass or fail, but of whether your child will thrive at King’s.
Scholarships may be offered to candidates of outstanding academic ability on entry assessment to the school from Year 3 upwards. Scholarships are to the value of 10% of tuition fees.