Joining the Senior School, King’s Worcester, is not a big move; it’s just a step over the road for children at King’s St Alban’s.

The transition to our Senior School at 11+ is seamless. Our pupils are already part of the King’s Foundation and will have had opportunities to visit and to get to know King’s Worcester well.

Our location enables us to ensure that the transition between the Junior and Senior School is an easy one. Being located just across the road means that our pupils often make use of the Senior School’s facilities, particularly in Year 6.

In preparation for moving up to the Senior School in the following September, our Year 6 children have various opportunities to share experiences and socially interact with their peers from King’s Hawford before they merge in Year 7.

Transition Afternoons

In the autumn term we hold two events at the Senior School, the first of which is a team-building day where children thoroughly enjoy making use of the climbing wall and boathouse. Following this, a Transition Afternoon provides an opportunity to explore further King’s Worcester facilities, such as the DT Department, science laboratories, and the Library.

In the summer term, the transition programme ends with a King’s Hawford and King’s St Alban’s picnic and a friendly rounders match in which pupils from both schools play on the same team – a new experience from those competitive sports fixtures!

Induction events, where the pupils meet with their new Form Tutor and classmates, take place in June and on the day before term starts in September.

For more information about joining King’s Worcester, please contact the Senior School Registrar, Vickie Peckston.

The transition to our Senior School at 11+ is seamless. Our pupils are already part of the King’s Foundation and will have had opportunities to visit and to get to know King's Worcester well.

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