Creativity plays a huge part in making King’s St Alban’s the vibrant place it is, and the arts play a central role in life at the school. Music, art, dance, and drama feature in the curriculum for all age groups and specialist music lessons are available.

King’s St Alban’s was recently recognised with the status of Artsmark Gold, awarded by the Arts Council of England. This award recognises the outstanding quality of art, music, dance and drama on offer at King’s St Alban’s.


Many of our children achieve success in external performance examinations and children from King’s St Alban’s regularly receive music scholarships on entry to King’s Worcester.

Musical Creativity

There are many musical opportunities for our children at King’s St Alban’s. Groups include Orchestra, Junior and Senior String Groups, Junior and Senior Wind Bands, Flute Choir, Recorder Groups, and Chamber Choir. All children in Years 3 to 6 sing in one of our two school choirs and many children opt to take individual music lessons on an instrument of their choosing. There are termly concerts in the school’s John Moore Theatre or College Hall, as well as informal concerts in the St Alban’s Chapel. In addition, our annual ‘Creative ConneXions’ production provides Years 3 to 6 with a creative learning journey that draws them together in a deeper exploration of the arts, while allowing them to express themselves and their thoughts through dance.

The musical life of the school is inextricably linked with the Christian ethos of the school. Worcester Cathedral Choristers receive their education at King’s and hymn singing is an important part of assemblies. The Carol Service in the cathedral is a highlight of the year for everyone. There are up to ten choral scholars and the choir is very popular.

King's St Alban's Independent Review (Full width Image)

Creativity through Drama and Dance

Drama also plays a key role at King’s St Alban’s. Many children have individual LAMDA lessons and groups from the Drama Club prepare performances each year. Dance features within the curriculum too; each year group works in turn with a visiting specialist, leading to performance opportunities.

Creative ConneXions

Creative ConneXions is an annual event for Years 3 to 6, which aims to provide children with a creative learning journey through the arts, culminating in a theatre performance and a gallery exhibition.

Each class from the Prep School will either dance or perform music which they have written or choreographed themselves. They are required to explore various ideas, improvise solutions to problems they may encounter and then shape their movements into music or dance phases. Once the children have practised and refined their dance, they perform to each other, to their year group, and finally to a wider audience in the school’s John Moore Theatre.

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