In the Prep School, children in Years 3 to 6 enjoy a stimulating and balanced curriculum; at its heart is the fact that our children want to learn and we want to feed their natural interest and curiosity. Visitors often comment on the ‘quiet, purposeful atmosphere’ in our classrooms and we work hard to ensure all our junior school children thrive in their learning.
Our Prep School has specialist teachers in Science, Music, Art, DT, French, and Games lessons ensure children can be inspired by teachers who are passionate about their subject. The Form Teacher sees the child for most lessons and this relationship, of nurture, care and support, is paramount to each child’s progress. Our principles of Growth Mindset, introduced and nurtured in the Pre-Prep, are very much in evidence in our classrooms as children develop into independent, resilient, and inquisitive learners.
Years 5 and 6 enjoy a Wednesday afternoon of AFP (Activities, Fixtures, PSHE) which gives a range of tremendous opportunities; the children could be involved in fixtures, or in engaging with residents of a local care home or charity, or in learning to make flapjacks!
Our children certainly discover their passions in the classroom at King’s St Alban’s. We want all our children to genuinely enjoy their studies, grasp learning skills and have a positive mindset in all subjects. Learning is fun!
Homework starts gently and, like many other areas, prepares children for the step from junior school to ‘big King’s’. Many children get on with homework tasks with teacher support in the Late Room. Twice a term, the whole school has a weekend GYM (Grow Your Mind) homework which allows children to try something new and to widen their experiences. Recent GYM homework tasks have included making sunflower oil, designing and making a bug hotel, constructing a bird box, and drawing a detailed plan of the school.
Excellent work or progress, or a demonstration of having a Growth Mindset, can lead to a Headteacher’s Award and a chance for children to talk about their learning with Mr Hawker. Weekly Celebration Assemblies allow the whole school community to share children’s achievements and encourages everyone to take pride in their work and learning. Learning is supported by school trips, workshops, and visiting speakers and these add to the richness and variety of experiences for our children.
The curriculum includes time for sport, music, and dance and many children supplement these with attendance at all sorts of after-school clubs and societies. Our link to ‘big King’s’ means we have lots of older pupils helping to run such clubs. These pupils, and our own Year 6, tend to act as role models for the younger children; aspiration is so important in our children’s development.
Our children certainly discover their passions in the classrooms at King’s St Alban’s. We want all our children to genuinely enjoy their studies, grasp learning skills, and have a positive mindset in all subjects. Learning is fun!