King's St Alban's
31 January
Passion and Effort in this Week’s Celebration Assembly
Our Celebration Assembly this week was a wonderful showcase of hard work and achievement, as we came together to recognise the dedication and successes of our children. Here’s a look at this week’s accomplishments:
Year 1
Baxter C, Felix P, Nathaniel M, Arla R, Alice D, Chloe F – For always throwing themselves into Forest School sessions with passion, imagination and determination.
Penelope B – For always trying hard in everything she does!
Year 2
Xander R – For pushing himself outside his comfort zone during swimming. We are really proud of you.
Year 3
Archie H, Luna H, Archie M and Leen I – For making a super effort with their ‘Walking the Goldfish’ story.
Akshay V – For quietly getting on and being a good role model within the classroom. A superstar.
Gabriel E – For gaining his first LAMDA certificate.
Year 4
Amber, Dylan, Bertie, Harvey and Max – Trying really hard in a handwriting lesson last week.
Poppy – Super piece of neat and accurate homework on homophones.
Year 6
Emily F, Ariya, Isabell H, Jackson and Tilly E – Creative ways of presenting information on WW1.
Crispin N – Excellent effort and enthusiasm in maths lessons.
Henry S – Excellent effort and enthusiasm with his maths and spelling
Yifei, Flo, Freddie – Smashing work on their English “Wanted Posters” about the HIghwayman in English.
Out of school Awards
Rosie B – Well done on her recent gymnastics medal
Emily F – Super work on your recent music certificate