At King’s Hawford, school life is not defined by regular hours. Our education takes place before, during, and after school to make sure that no opportunity to expand our pupils’ minds is lost.
Children can immerse themselves in a vast range of performances, clubs, activities, and trips on offer. They discover the enjoyment of activities they may never have considered before, make the most of their time here, and make memories which they will cherish for life.
Our extensive co-curricular provision allows children to learn new skills, build friendships, and find their own passions beyond the classroom.
King’s Hawford pupils have an insatiable appetite for learning new things and can choose to engage in a diverse range of activities: chess, bridge, music, ballet, cookery, gardening, photography, Forest School, construction, Katakanu lessons, and outdoor activities, are some examples. Many activities are run during lunch break and others take place after school, in the evening, or on Saturday mornings.
We actively encourage each child to find their individuality and to take part in activities which excite them, and which provide vital skills of confidence, resilience, teamwork, and strength of character. These are skills that we believe can then be transferred into the classroom.