King's Hawford

2024/2025 Fee Statement

King’s Worcester Governing Body has confirmed that the King’s Worcester Foundation of Schools will not be changing their current fee levels for the 2024/25 academic year.

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When your child joins King’s Hawford they become part of the King’s Family. King’s Worcester, our Senior School and Sixth Form, is therefore the natural transition for our pupils when they complete their journey with King’s Hawford at the end of Year 6. 

Thanks to our established transition process, by the time they are ready to make the move to ‘Big King’s’ the children are familiar with the campus, the teaching staff, and their peers from King’s St Alban’s.

The Transition Process

Throughout Year 6 we work hard to ensure a seamless transition. This includes plenty of opportunities to visit King’s Worcester and meet key members of teaching staff before starting in Year 7.

Parents and pupils are more than welcome to visit the Senior School at one of our open events.  It is normally during one of these visits that the excitement starts to build as the children imagine themselves performing in the John Moore Theatre, getting creative in the Art Studio, or trying out new skills in the Sports Hall and Gymnasium.

King’s Hawford pupils are automatically entered for a place at King’s Worcester. Our Year 6 pupils do not undertake SATS (Standard Assessment Tests) as they do in the state system. Instead we take the time to prepare them, both academically and emotionally, for the transition to senior school.

Once places have been accepted, the children have the opportunity to attend transition events at the senior school, where they participate in fun and engaging team building exercises. We also ensure they have plenty of opportunities to socialise with those who will be joining them from King’s St Alban’s.

Just prior to making the move, the children will also meet with their new Form Tutor and classmates.

To find out more about the admissions process to King’s Worcester, please contact Mrs Vickie Peckston, Registrar, on 01905 721742.

The uniform at King's Senior (Full width Image)

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