Digital Learning at King’s Hawford 

At King’s Hawford we are proud to deliver a comprehensive Digital Learning programme. We strive to achieve a balance between our digital provision and some of the more traditional learning styles, to provide a rounded education.  

Our aim is to instil confidence and competence with a range of digital tools, preparing our pupils for the rapidly changing world of technology and the role it plays at home, in the community, and of course the workplace.  

Our Digital Learning Programme is present in all aspects of our curriculum. Pupils have access to tablets throughout the school day and our teaching staff have a number of digital learning tools available to them to enhance and extend learning opportunities.  

Digital Facilities 

Digital learning at KH is seen as another strand of learning that sits alongside LOtC and more traditional classroom methods. Following the periods of school closures due to COVID-19 we embraced the successes from that period and looked to integrate them into a balanced approach to learning. We have 1:1 access to iPads throughout Years 5 and 6 with children in other year groups having access where appropriate. iPads are used alongside other IT platforms in school to prepare our children for the diverse range of IT solutions they will come across in their school life and beyond. Our philosophy is to embrace the technology available without it becoming the sole source of learning. Our teachers are equipped to deliver using a variety of methods and we are proud that many have become apple certified teachers and completed the Showbie certified educator course.

Our Digital Tools  

We use a whole range of tools in the classroom to support key learning objectives and encourage digital thinking.  We’ve also introduced a number of apps to connect pupils, parents, and teachers:  

Showbie – We think of Showbie as our online workbook. The children can submit their work in various ways such as scanning in a piece of written work or submitting a video to show how a practical task has been carried out. Feedback is sent back via the teacher. 

Showbie has been the backbone of our digital offering since April 2020 to submit and mark work.  Parents appreciate this approach because they have unparalleled access to their children’s education. 

Since Lockdown 3 all work in Key Stage 1 and 2 is set, completed and marked through Showbie. 

Class Dojo– An incredibly intuitive website and app that connects pupils, parents and teachers to facilitate free flowing communication. Each child has their own portfolio where parents can submit work to the teacher. We also manage our house point system through Class Dojo and utilise the newsfeed section to share class wide news and messages. 

Padlet – An online post-it-board that allows teachers to share ideas, suggest additional activities and resources. With everything available to view in one place, Padlet makes it incredibly easy for parents to stay on track during these busy times. 

Supporting Apps – Teachers make use of various other apps and resources to bring the lessons to life and encourage interaction. These include: 

Quizlet for class spelling tests. 

Socrative and Classtime to create interactive assessments so we can track progress and identity knowledge gaps. 

Kahoot and Nearpod to create interactive, whole-class quizzes on aspects of the curriculum. 

Various year groups have also enjoyed incorporating Minecraft into their learning 

Our Year 6 children have also been using Headspace for regular meditation and mindfulness sessions. 

Class Dojoshowbie    Digital Learning at King's Hawford

What does Digital Learning look like at King’s Hawford?


Our Reception children experiment witage appropriate apps, and use various technologies within the classroom to support their learning objectives. This includes drawing apps, phonics apps and games to support their work in key areas of the curriculum.  

Key Stage 1 – (Years 1 and 2)

In KS1 we introduce Showbie and start setting basic tasks and activities through this platform. This is a fantastic way to involve parents in the learning journey as they can see first hand the task being set, their child’s response, and the teacher’s feedback.  

Our Key Stage 1 children really enjoy using spelling apps and quizzes to test their knowledge and reinforce key learning points. 

Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6)

We develop the use of Showbie throughout Key Stage 2 and by Year 6, the majority of work is electronically submitted. 

We gradually introduce more complex apps to enhance learning in all subject areas and also encourage the children to use digital tools to present and evaluate their learning tasks and thinking, for example, recording a video to present and evaluate their work.  

Whatever the subject, our teaching staff find ways to incorporate digital skills into their lessons. For example, the programming of a mini processor as part of a DT project.