King's Hawford

2024/2025 Fee Statement

King’s Worcester Governing Body has confirmed that the King’s Worcester Foundation of Schools will not be changing their current fee levels for the 2024/25 academic year.

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King's Hawford

8 November

Not So Mellow Cello

Today in assembly, our cello teacher, Jenny Chaddock, captivated the students with a fantastic performance and demonstration.

She introduced the rich, sonorous cello through a range of musical styles—from traditional folk melodies to rock. The session concluded with a thrilling rendition of the Star Wars theme, leaving the children excited and inspired.

Jenny also shared stories of her performances in prestigious venues, including the Houses of Parliament, for a former U.S. president, and the late Queen. The pupils were fascinated by the variety of cello sizes, from the adorable 1/8-size models for younger students to the impressive full-sized instruments.

If your child is interested in a free taster lesson, please email We also offer school cellos for hire at just £20 per term.