King's Hawford
9 June
Rainbow Group’s first off-site escapade
This week Rainbow Group enjoyed their very first Kindergarten offsite escapade. On Thursday, the children made the very short journey to Bishops Wood Centre. This special event generated a great deal of excitement amongst the children; for many of them this was their very first trip on a King’s Hawford minibus. The children were very excited as they clambered aboard and found their seats. The journey flew by, with everyone engrossed in a game of “I Spy”.
On arrival, the children were keen to get going. Guided by Mrs Watts, Rainbow Group made their way along the nature path in search of Forest School, and soon came across the Forest School Sign. The entrance was marked with a special rope that had to be opened before the children could venture inside.
The morning was spent taking part in several different activities. In one of these, the children were able to craft their own headbands by using a wide range of different natural resources. They had some very imaginative uses for the materials. Using wood from the site the children also fashioned some caterpillars. These looked very realistic and the children were delighted as their finished caterpillars appeared to come to life.
A printing activity proved very popular. The children used a mallet to make flower and leaf prints. This was done by placing a range of leaves and flowers onto a piece of material, which was then folded in half and pressed with a mallet. This technique produced some wonderful prints on the cloth.
The children had a truly fantastic first day; they impressed all of the staff with their brilliant attitudes. It is remarkable how much they have taken from their weekly Forest School sessions back at Hawford. Mrs Redman was very proud of them all.