King's Hawford

23 May

Fun, Interactive and Engaging Assemblies continue at King’s Hawford

The King’s Hawford weekly assemblies are the highlight of the week for many pupils. Many King’s Hawford OV’s look back on these with fondness, reminiscing about the fun, interactive, and engaging content shared by the Head, Jim Turner.

We are delighted to share that, despite the challenges of lockdown, King’s Hawford assemblies have been continuing. The Hawford Virtual Assemblies take place every week for children at the King’s Hawford and are continuing with the same format. With musical performances from children, a themed topic or story from Mr. Turner, virtual interviews, weekly ‘House’ competitions, showcases of children and year group work (such as remote learning German lessons), all finished nicely with a traditional (virtual) whole school sing-a-long (for example to Sweet Caroline).

Click below to view this week’s virtual assembly:

Mr Turner said “During this period of lockdown, it’s important to ensure that pupils and staff remain connected. Our whole school assemblies are an extremely popular part of the school’s week which regularly entertains, enthuses, and is enjoyed by all our pupils from reception right up to Year 6. Even though we are all far away from each other and the assemblies are pre-recorded, they serve to provide consistency and friendly faces. They also allow us to share and reward the wonderful work the children are completing during this period.”

Assembly content has always been interactive and varied, with Year 6 children regularly co-hosting and assisting with the technical production of the assemblies prior to lockdown. During the lockdown, we’ve been unable to do this but the support of guest interviews has provided a new dimension. Interviewees have included King’s Hawford OVs (now senior school pupils), producers of the PPE production, and an insight into the company that built the school’s new stable block.

Mr. Turner continued, “We are taking our learning into the home environment and we wanted to do the same with our assemblies too. It offers both children and parents the opportunity to get involved and be part of our wider community.”

Parent, Mrs. Walker commented, “It’s so wonderful to be able to see the assemblies that the children experience on a weekly basis. We can see lots of effort goes into these and my children both love watching them and seeing where Mr. Turner is hosting this week’s assembly. We all love them.”

Here is a selection of our virtual assemblies during the lockdown. To view the latest assemblies, visit our King’s Hawford YouTube channel. We hope you enjoy our assemblies as much as we do.