King's Hawford
27 March
Pupils celebrate as we head into the Easter Break.
Pupils came together for the final assembly of the Spring Term, 2024. Entering The Barn at King’s Hawford, pupils enjoyed listening to the fabulous tunes of One Direction, apparently Mr Cook’s favourite!
Starting proceedings, Mr Butt asked a vast array of pupils ranging from Year Three to Year Six to stand up, all of whom had been awarded five (or more!) merits this week. As you can imagine, the children were given a well-deserved, rapturous round of applause by the whole school community. Congratulations to them all and also to our HMA recipients; we hope they enjoyed their break-time visit to Mr Butt’s office for Easter cookies.
A number of King’s Hawford Badges were then presented, include one to Jude (Year 5), receiving his Modern Foreign Languages Badge, to Harry (Year 4), receiving his Times Tables Badge, and to Florrie (Year 4), who received her Reading Badge. Pupils also celebrated as Alex (Year 2) was awarded his Platinum Numbots Award, Bonnie (Year 2) her ABRSM Singing Award and Robyn (Year 4) an award for Chess.
This term’s Reading Champion Awards were also announced as follows:
Reception: Layth A, Clara N, Oscar J-F and Senna N
Year 1: Olivia L, Hugo G, Elizabeth D and Archie G
Year 2: Bonita-May S, Noah P, Casper H and Rupert C
Year 3: Sylvie P, Isaac H, Simi H and Rupert T
Year 4: India B, Louis Y, Florrie W and Henry D
Year 5: Noah L, James B, Charles C and Charles N
Year 6: Robyn G, George M, Darcy B and Luke H
After lifting the roof off The Barn with clapping, the pupils (and staff) did not disappoint, raising the roof once more with an Easter hymn.
In other news, Mr Stigant reminded pupils to use the Easter Break to get their creative hats on and prepare their entries for the Leonardo Art Competition. The theme is “It’s Our World” with the deadline of Friday 19th April.
The Hawford Reporters reported back on the Pizza Competition which has recently been run in school. With so many lovely ideas and designs, including a pizza in the shape of the King’s Badge, a pizza to represent the “Hawford Family”, a pizza representing the happy community of King’s Hawford, one in the shape of the Library Bus and another in the shape of a “H”, it was a tough decision for the reporters. Comments regarding the pizzas included, “That was REALLY cheesy,” “The flavours are brilliant,” and “20/20 and if it were out of 100 it would still be 100/100.” Congratulations go to Annabel (Year 5), who collected first prize for her H-shaped pizza; even her topping spelled out Hawford. The Hawford Reporters have lots more exciting projects and competitions planned for the forthcoming term…watch this space!
Mrs Hughes, Director of Music and Performance congratulated the 16 children who travelled up to “Big King’s” on Thursday for an orchestral workshop. Led by Deputy Director of Music at King’s Worcester, Mr Gunter, the workshop saw pupils from King’s Hawford, King’s St Alban’s and the Senior School come together to form a 60-strong orchestra. Having rehearsed for over five hours, the pupils involved performed a fantastic concert attended by parents, friends and families.
Finally, the school wished Mrs Goodman a fond farewell as leaves King’s Hawford today, having been a popular member of staff for many years; all of the children were sad to see her go but, rest assured, Mrs Goodman will be very much welcome back to visit anytime.