Leadership is an integral part of Sixth Form life at King’s. Sixth Formers are given considerable opportunities to act as leaders and mentors in a variety of areas. 

At King’s, leadership takes many forms. It can be the moment when a pupil offers a helping hand to someone who has fallen in the playground. It can be the time when a team captain encourages her players to dig deep and score the winning goal. It can be deciding to go in the other direction on a Duke of Edinburgh expedition, as the rain beats against you.

One of our greatest strengths as a school is the variety of activities on offer in addition to our core academic provision. Our bustling programme of trips and activities is specifically designed to enhance the learning experience and provide opportunities for us to guide each pupil in how to lead effectively, whilst giving them the space to discover their own leadership style.

Throughout their school career, pupils can take on leadership roles in their house, or as a sports or an activity captain as part of our co-curricular programme. All these opportunities help them to develop the confidence to apply for one of the prestigious leadership roles that become available as they complete their final year with King’s in Upper Sixth.

Our Upper Sixth leaders benefit from formal training to develop key skills in leadership, including communication, planning, motivation and compassion.

School Monitors

These students are responsible for upholding the rules and expectations of our school, Monitors are chosen through an interview process, an advisory vote, and after conversations with staff and members of the Houses. Through their ability to engage with pupils about the issues they face our Monitors have been the catalyst for change in several areas of the School.

Meet the 2022 – 2023 School Monitors.

Heads of House

Each year we appoint Heads and Deputy Heads of House to support House Tutors with the effective running of their House and the mentoring of younger pupils. As well as running activities during House time, they sit on the School Council, attend various meetings with their peers, and support House Staff in promoting the ethos of their House.

Meet the 2022 – 2023 Heads of House

Heads of School

Each year we appoint two Heads of School from our body of Monitors. As well as leading our team of Monitors, they represent the school at formal events and make a number of key speeches throughout the academic year, including at our open days and events.

Meet the 2021-2022 Heads of School

From Heads of School, to School Captains, School Monitors to Peer Mentors, there are opportunities a plenty for students to represent the School, support younger pupils and be the catalyst for change across the Foundation.


Student Leadership Spotlights

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