King’s Worcester Sixth Form is an exciting transition, both for existing pupils as they move on to the next stage of their education, and for new pupils who join from a range of local state and independent schools. 

Our Sixth Form pupils benefit from exciting and stimulating academic opportunities designed to best prepare them for the next steps in their education journey. As well as developing independent learning and thinking, pupils enjoy working collaboratively with teachers and fellow pupils. All pupils initially choose three A level subjects (with some opting for a fourth) and a futures elective course from KSW Electives.

Alongside their academic studies, Sixth Form pupils experience significant additional opportunities, including supportive pastoral care, first-class learning and sporting facilities, access to a well-resourced Careers Department, specialised University Application Support, a Life Skills Enrichment programme, a host of co-curricular and sporting activities, and a range of leadership responsibilities across the school.

View our short film to discover more.

Sixth Form education is vital in helping to develop young people who will contribute positively to society by leading fulfilled and unselfish lives. At King’s we offer clear moral values and a sense of purpose, strong academic focus and a stimulating environment, in a culture of encouragement, enjoyment, and celebration. All of this, we believe, builds the confidence pupils need, promoting independence and intellectual enquiry.

The two years in the Sixth Form inevitably pass very quickly, but they make an invaluable impact on pupils’ lives. Our aim is to provide pupils with all the vital knowledge, academic results and life skills that they will need to tackle any challenge they encounter in the future with confidence and lead a successful, happy life.

Join us for our next Open Morning and see what else King’s can offer as you choose your Worcester Sixth Form or Sixth Form College.

Our Sixth Form Offering

From the moment you step through the door at King’s we start preparing you for the rigours of future assessment and ensure that you have all the skills necessary to give you the edge in an increasingly competitive job market. Academic results play an important part in students’ futures but we believe there are four key fundamentals to ensuring you have an unparalleled preparation for both further
education and for life beyond.

We are passionate about helping our pupils gain all the vital knowledge, academic results and life skills they'll need. The challenges are stimulating and enjoyable, and the focus is always on the best possible preparation for life beyond King's.

Josh Hand

Head of Sixth Form

Why King's Worcester Sixth Form?

Wide Choice of A-Levels Covering a Wide Range of Subjects

In the Sixth Form, pupils can choose to study from over 24 subjects at A-level, including subjects not offered at I/GCSE, such as Economics, Business, Computing, Psychology, and Politics.

Pupils achieve very highly in public examinations. In 2023 a record-breaking 93% of students achieved all their grades at A*-C. Overall, 19% of all grades awarded were A*, 45% of results secured were A*- A and 77% were graded A*- B.2023 saw students sit 377 examinations in 24 subjects, which included 9 STEM subjects.

Our Sixth Form Curriculum provides a useful reference for subject-specific information.

KSW Electives

Alongside their 3 A levels, students will choose one course from the KSW electives programme in addition to their A levels.

These include EPQ (Extended Project Qualification), Core Maths, Gold Arts Award, Sports Leadership, Chinese, Sign Language and TEFL, Microsoft Skills and Environmental Studies.

These courses have been designed to offer enrichment and challenge, widen horizons and prepare students for life beyond school.

These courses also award additional qualifications which enhance employability and many provide invaluable UCAS points.


A Vibrant, Recently Extended Sixth Form Centre

The Sixth Form Centre offers a variety of modern study areas, including individual workstations, group study rooms giving students the flexibility to study independently or work collaboratively. Additionally, seminar-style classrooms equipped with the latest technology promote interactive and dynamic learning.

One of the standout features of the new centre is the café, which provides a relaxed environment for students to unwind, socialise, and take breaks. The building also includes meeting rooms where students can receive one-to-one support from tutors, seek career advice, or discuss university applications.

Head of Sixth Form, Mr Hand and Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Neville also have their offices close by and are available to offer support when required.

Learn more about our exciting new Sixth Form investment.

First Class Careers and Higher Education Advice

Alongside academic study, pupils are well supported by our Careers Department, with experienced professionals available who guide pupils through the Post 18+ choices, UCAS application processes, Higher Education Information Evenings, Elevate UK, and a comprehensive programme for Oxbridge applicants and dedicated support for International applicants, Medicine applicants & Apprenticeship applications.

Life Skills Programme

The Life Skills programme is a weekly programme that delivers important PSHE and Careers components through a variety of internal and external
speakers. This is also where students can choose to take part in a series of options to develop skills for life beyond school. There is the opportunity to learn first aid, cookery, DIY, car maintenance, take part in community service and much more.

A Unique and Supportive Pastoral Well-being system

As soon as pupils join the Sixth Form they are immediately impressed by the openness and friendly nature of our pupils. The pastoral structure at King’s means that Sixth Formers are members of a House, comprising around 90 pupils. With a Year Group Tutor and House Tutor to oversee their school life and offer academic and pastoral support, pupils benefit from a warm and welcoming community in which to seek support and build relationships.

The acceptance of people’s differences and respect for others are hard-wired into the culture of King’s and being an individual with one’s own unique character is celebrated. Whether you are just joining, or have been at the school for many years, the sense that you are part of the Sixth Form and the wider King’s community makes you feel at home, ready to learn and enjoy everything life here can offer.

A First Class Sixth Form Support System

We are proud of our Sixth Form support system, which ensures that from day one, pupils, whether they are new to King’s or joining from our senior school, are best prepared to embrace the next and most important chapter of their education.

All pupils benefit from:

  • A comprehensive induction process to ensure that new pupils are fully integrated into King’s.
  • A personalised programme of support, designed for each individual pupil to ensure that they reach their potential and maximise opportunities relevant to them at King’s
  • Immediate access to Unifrog, the one-stop resource for higher education destinations support.
  • Access to our Learning Skills Department which provides additional support and a wide-ranging study-skills programme via subject clinics, skills sessions, and one-to-one help.

Over 100 Co-Curricular Clubs and Activities

Our extensive co-curricular programme ensures that whatever your passion, be it travelling, sport, music and dance, chess, or astronomy, your time at King’s will be unforgettable, making friends and memories that last a lifetime.

King's Sixth Form is the next step in your educational career. Our aim is to help young people gain all the vital knowledge, academic results, life skills and strength of character that they will need to tackle future challenges.

Gareth Doodes


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the layout of the school day for Sixth Formers?

The school day starts at 8.30am for everyone where all pupils take part in house time until 9.00am. In Sixth Form the day consists of four double periods a week (1 hour 15 minutes long), with the ordinary school day ending at 3.40pm. Students also have the option to take part in extra-curricular activities after the school day.

In Sixth Form, each subject is allocated four doubles a week, where students have the opportunity to finish work in their study periods on the school site.

What are the key differences between the School and the Sixth Form?

In Sixth Form, students are given more independence and are afforded privileges such as freedom to go into town, wear business dress instead of uniform,  study periods and access to the Sixth Form centre.

What is the dress code for Sixth Form?

Sixth Form pupils are allowed to wear their own suits.

As leaders and role models, Sixth Formers are expected to set an example to the rest of the school through their high standard of business-like dress and the way in which they present themselves.

View our Sixth Form Dress Code for more information.

What support will new starters get?

All new starters are assigned a buddy to help guide and look out for them, making them feel welcome. They will also take part in a full induction and be assigned to one of nine Houses, to help them feel at home at King’s.

Is there support for UCAS application and career advice?

We have our own Careers department where anyone can arrange one-to-one discussions and support from the Head of Careers. Students are also given designated house time to spend on their UCAS application with help from their tutor.

Learn more here

How many normally join the Sixth Form each year?

On average we have approximately 30 external pupils join the Sixth Form each year. These pupils join from local state schools as well as other local independent schools.

Over the last 2 years, students joined King’s Sixth Form from RGS Worcester (Royal Grammar School Worcester) RGS Dodderhill, Malvern St James (MSJ), Droitwich High School, Tudor Grange Academy and many more.

King’s Worcester Sixth Form Films

Our short film provides a brief insight into life at King’s Sixth:

Meet King’s Pupils

Find out what makes King’s so special directly from our pupils.

One of the best things about King’s is that it is so inclusive. The students and members of staff are very welcoming - no matter who you are and what your needs are, you will be made to feel like you belong.



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