One of the key vehicles for fostering a sense of belonging at King’s is our strong House system.

The pastoral structure at King’s consists of a Form system for Years 7 and 8, and then pupils join one of our nine Houses in their Lower Remove year and remain in that House for the next five years. Being part of a House, means being a key member of a community within a community. This framework provides the opportunity for mentoring across a range of ages and for staging internal school competitions.

Every day at King’s starts with time in Houses, cementing their importance in the fabric of our school routine. In these morning sessions there is time for our pupils to discuss upcoming House competitions, think about current affairs, engage in Wellbeing Wednesday activities, listen to assemblies and check in with their Tutors.

It is these House Tutors and Year Group Tutors who facilitate the caring and supportive environment where pupils are known, valued and supported, whichever of the nine House they are in. It is the quality of these working relationships that are the hallmark of our King’s pastoral care.


Our Form System

Years 7 and 8 (The Lower Years)

The Lower Years are a vibrant and dynamic part of life at King’s that offer wide-reaching new experiences and a platform for personal development.

Pupils are grouped into Forms, each led by a Form Tutor who is a vital component in ensuring pupils are happy and well-adjusted to Senior School life.

  • Form Tutors meet with pupils twice daily and are the first port of call for practical, pastoral, and academic matters
  • Form Tutors develop excellent relationships with their Forms
  • The Form is the focal point for our Years 7 and 8 pupils as the majority of curriculum lessons are taught in these groups
  • The Lower Years are led and organised by the Head and Deputy Head of Lower Years, Mr Richard Chapman (Jan 2024) and Mrs Rachael Worth

Our House System

Pupils new to the Lower Remove (Year 9), Upper Remove (Year 10), or the Lower Sixth will join one of eight Houses.

The Year Group Tutor has overall responsibility for the pastoral and academic development of their tutees, and they are the first port of call for parents who wish to discuss their child’s experience, or academic progress, at school.

House Tutors work alongside the Year Group Tutors and oversee the happiness, development and integration of all pupils in the House. The pastoral staff are extremely experienced in dealing with challenges affecting the Senior age group and work collaboratively with the Head of Middle Years, Head of Sixth Form, and the Deputy Head (Pastoral).

Pupils support their House, with two Upper Sixth pupils helping to lead the House activities.  Each house at the school has its own unique colour scheme. Pupils indicate which house they belong to by displaying their house badge on their blazers.

Each Form and House organises a programme of activities which ensures there is always something for pupils to take part in. From debating and quizzes to the House song competitions (a highlight of the Autumn Term Calender), House trips and fundraising events, the aim is to create a sense of belonging and to ensure that pupils are fully supported on their education journey. This supportive and friendly environment provides support for all.

Find out more about our unique and engaging House System in our Middle Years Handbook


Whichever House you join, you’re sure to find yourself positively shaped by King’s.

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