King’s pupils now can access a plethora of Microsoft solutions at home via their King’s Worcester Microsoft Account.

As part of our school subscription to Microsoft Office 365 there is a benefit to all pupils of being able to install Microsoft Office onto several of their own personal devices. This means that Microsoft Office applications such as PowerPoint, Word and others can be downloaded onto devices at home.  Microsoft state, that “You can install Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 smartphones.”

If pupils have a home tablet, PC, laptop, Mac, or smartphone they can install Office onto all these devices and use whilst they are being educated at King’s.  There is no fee to pay, this is a benefit of our Microsoft Office 365 Educational Subscription that we have and applies whilst pupils are attending King’s.

How to install the Office Suite at home

  1. Log into Office 365 Web interface ( in your web browser) with your school email address as normal.
  2. At the top right of the browser tab/window you will see your name shown as Initials in a circle, click this and select ‘My Account’.
  3. This shows you your ‘profile’ including which devices you have already attached, your sign-ins and how many installations of Office apps you have performed.
  4. Click ‘Office apps – Install and manage Office applications’ which will take you to the installation page.
  5. Click the ‘Install office’ button to install Office on the device you are accessing the web page from.  Note. To Install on a phone or tablet, there is at the bottom of this same page the links to the installation for iOS, Android and Windows editions
  6. Repeat for any / all other devices you want to install on, but you must follow the same process above on the device Office is to be installed onto.

For Mac OS and for further guidance there is a Microsoft support guide for the installation (follow the route for ‘school or work account’). Pupils can access this here.

Continue exploring

