King's Worcester

2024/2025 Fee Statement

King’s Worcester Governing Body has confirmed that the King’s Worcester Foundation of Schools will not be changing their current fee levels for the 2024/25 academic year.

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King's Worcester

5 December

Ending the Term with Open Mic Night

The first Open Mic Night of the year was a resounding success, showcasing the incredible talent of thirty pupils who performed an eclectic mix of music, ranging from George Michael to Guns N’ Roses!

Due to an issue with the Boathouse, the venue was changed on the day to the John Moore Theatre. While this made the event a little more formal in terms of seating, it also allowed the Theatre Manager, Mr Haynes, to have some fun with the lighting for each performance!

The night was marked by a series of debut performances from pupils in the Lower Removes and Lower Sixth, who bravely stepped into the spotlight for the first time. These fresh faces were seamlessly integrated with sets from more seasoned performers, creating a dynamic and varied programme.

One of the most exciting developments of the evening was the emergence of new bands, adding a vibrant and collaborative element to the event. Alongside these group performances, the audience was treated to heartfelt pop ballads, beautifully delivered by soloists accompanied by piano. The diversity of acts highlighted the broad range of musical interests and talents of the pupils.

The nature of these events means that, for the most part, all the performances are prepared by the pupils themselves, with minimal input from staff.

A hearty congratulations to all who took part in this memorable evening. We eagerly look forward to the next Open Mic Night, scheduled for Friday, 14th March, which will mark the 10th anniversary of these beloved events. It promises to be a milestone celebration, reflecting a decade of musical growth and community spirit.