King's Worcester

2024/2025 Fee Statement

King’s Worcester Governing Body has confirmed that the King’s Worcester Foundation of Schools will not be changing their current fee levels for the 2024/25 academic year.

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King's Worcester

5 December

King’s Pupils Selected for Hockey County Squads and Talent Academies

This season, we are pleased that twenty-five King’s Worcester Hockey players have been selected into the Worcestershire County Academy or the England Talent Academy as part of the England Hockey Player Pathway.

The athletes will have access to regular training with County Coaches to develop their skills, game sense and tactical play. They will build towards County Tournaments and the opportunity to play top opposition throughout the region.

We are delighted to share that the athletes involved are:

Talent Academy 

Hermione P, Daisy F, Charlotte B

County Hockey 

Lower Fourth Pupils –  Ella G, Elise S, Katie C

Upper Fourth Pupils –  Issie F Arya P, Cleo F Robyn D, Erin L, Sienna D, Harriet B,

Lower Remove Pupils – Zofia W, Emily S, Liv K, Mea H, Flo B, Amelia M

Upper Remove Pupils – Maheem S. Lucie E, Katie F, Heidi M

Fifth Form Pupil – Poppy W

Lower Sixth Student – Grace JvV